E4SMA supports energy planning, strategic development, decision-making, capacity building, and research in the fields of energy and climate.
We offer our services to companies, institutions, and Government Agencies, supporting local, regional, national, and international decision-makers. Our global reach extends from Europe to Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
We support the preparation of Long-Term Energy Strategies (LTES), Low-Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS), Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
Energy planning
- We lay out strategies to navigate change and decarbonize. We prepare roadmaps to reach climate targets, recording optimal technologies and priority investment projects.
- We provide quantitative analyses and make projections of energy production, energy demand, energy prices, and emissions.
- We prepare net-zero analyses. We generate different scenarios that allow you to explore the impact of selected policies and technologies on energy production and consumption, the economy, and climate targets.
- We support decision-making processes and manage stakeholder engagement.
- We analyze regulatory and legal frameworks and provide technical assistance to develop policy plans.
Customized energy system models
We develop customized energy system models to support energy planning and decision-making. We have the expertise to build and operate several energy systems models, power sector models, and tools.
We use the energy system models to:
- Make projections of energy production, demand, prices, emissions, etc.
- Generate different scenarios and test the impact of selected policies and technologies on reaching targets.
- Explore the impact of new technologies and systems resiliency.
- Identify the least cost and high-impact technology solutions and optimal pathways to reach climate targets.
- Picture cross-sector synergies, benefits of sector-coupling, and total flow of energy.
Training courses and capacity building
- We provide capacity building and training in energy systems analysis and modelling.
- We offer technical advice and assistance on the building up of modelling expert teams, ensuring full handover of customized models.
- We conduct training courses on the VEDA-TIMES framework and other energy planning tools.
- We prepare reports, training material, and manuals.