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E4SMA has been mentioned in a crucial EU Communication

E4SMA has been mentioned in a crucial EU Communication

GOOD NEWS Today we want to share a great achievement of our company: E4SMA has been mentioned in a crucial EU Communication. The Communication presents a detailed impact assessment report, “Securing our future – Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to...
CSER and E4SMA sign memorandum of understanding

CSER and E4SMA sign memorandum of understanding

On 25 January 2023, the Centre for Strategic Energy and Resources Limited (CSER) and E4SMA S.r.l. (E4SMA) have officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate in the field of energy analysis and scenario planning to support energy transition and...
The JRC-EU-TIMES model now open source!

The JRC-EU-TIMES model now open source!

The JRC-EU-TIMES energy model, the European version of TIMES designed for analysing the role of energy technologies and their innovation needs for meeting European policy targets related to energy and climate change, is now open and available online!   If...
First PARIS REINFORCE Stakeholder Council Dialogue

First PARIS REINFORCE Stakeholder Council Dialogue

Enhancing climate policy through co-creation The First PARIS REINFORCE Stakeholder Council Dialogue will take place on November 21st 2019, in Brussels. This first Stakeholder Council dialogue will comprise sessions detailing the capabilities of available models, a...
Capacity building workshop in OSeMOSYS

Capacity building workshop in OSeMOSYS

Capacity building workshop on Modelling for Regional Energy Planning Capacity building workshop using OSeMOSYS was delivered by E4SMA in Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) on 16-20 September 2019. The workshop, organized by RES4Africa Foundation and United Nations Economic...