We conducted a workshop for experts from the General Directorate of Energy Efficiency in Peru. The aim was to support long-term energy planning in Peru, and we focused on the best practices for using the TIMES energy system model. The participants were able to dive into the model’s structure analysis. Correspondingly, they learned about the interfaces for the input and output data, the interpretation of the results, as well as the knowledge exchange between experts.
We also supported the review of the TIMES-PERU model and extended the analysis period to 2050.
The purpose of the project is to strengthen the capacities of the Peruvian authorities for long-term energy planning. Peru is in the process of updating its National Energy Plan. The Peruvian experts are using the energy system model TIMES-PERU as one of the planning tools to carry out energy forecasting at a country level.
Methodology and models
We supported the Ministry’s technical team in extending the scope of the analysis to 2050. This update is key for developing the analyses underpinning the new National Energy Plan.
Furthermore, we provided advice regarding modelling approaches and possible improvement areas.
We also delivered a best practice analysis for the TIMES models. We introduced the participants to seven different TIMES models and analysed their characteristics such as time slices, geographical coverage, sector coverage and methodology approach (optimisation and constraints). All seven models have been used as tools for developing national policies.
- TIMES Ireland, TIMES-DK (Denmark), and UK-TIMES were introduced as they are considered robust and reliable tools.
- TIMES Sinergia (Spain), TIMES Italy, and TIMES-PT (Portugal) were introduced as they have been used to develop European National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).
- TIMES-CR (Costa Rica) was introduced as it has been used for the development of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
The TIMES model is internationally recognized and developed under The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP). ETSAP is a Technology Collaboration Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA). E4SMA is participating in the Programme.
Learn more
Peru Expanding Modeling Capacity for Long-Term Energy Planning
| Country: Peru
| Client: General Directorate of Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM)
| Donor: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
| Program: Global Energy Transformation Program (GET.transform)
| Contact: e4sma@e4sma.com
| Activities: Technical guidance, capacity building, model development
| Duration: November 2021 – September 2022
Graphic credits: Freepik