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Le sfide per un Vietnam ad emissioni zero

Le sfide per un Vietnam ad emissioni zero

[Contenuto in inglese] We have delivered an assessment to identify challenges to Vietnam's energy transition to net-zero emissions. The title is Diagnostic Study on Net-Zero for The Energy Sector in Vietnam. We looked at technical, social, and policy challenges and...

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Progetti e attività di ricerca

Progetti e attività di ricerca

[Contenuto in inglese] As leading experts on strategic energy planning, energy systems analysis, and energy systems modelling, E4SMA is partnering in major, innovative research projects. We are also active members of expert networks. Additionally, E4SMA regularly...

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Strategie di mitigazione per il Messico

Strategie di mitigazione per il Messico

[Contenuto in inglese] E4SMA provides technical support to the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC). We are developing a new customized TIMES-Mexico model, allowing for modelling mitigation policies in Mexico. The model will cover the full energy...

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Analisi dei mercati elettrici

Analisi dei mercati elettrici

[Contenuto in inglese] E4SMA has supported the strategic planning of the Italian multinational company Enel for several years. We have developed customized energy systems models allowing for analyses of future electricity markets. The models have also enabled Enel to...

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BHP Global Energy Model

BHP Global Energy Model

[Contenuto in inglese] E4SMA is providing technical support to the multinational company BHP. We have designed, built, and handed over a customized energy systems model, the BHP Global Energy Model. The model supports strategic energy planning. It enables BHP to...

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TIMES-GEO, un nuovo modello globale multiregionale

TIMES-GEO, un nuovo modello globale multiregionale

[Contenuto in inglese] E4SMA has been participating in the major innovation project, CHIMERA. We have developed the TIMES-GEO multi-regional global model and supported the development of the TIMES-IRELAND model. Both models are open-source models.  The TIMES-GEO model...

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Workshop “Come costruire TIMES-Pakistan”

Workshop “Come costruire TIMES-Pakistan”

[Contenuto in inglese] We conducted a workshop on energy modelling for energy planning experts in Pakistan. The workshop consisted of six days with sessions of four hours and focused on using the energy systems model TIMES. We concluded with a session on the first...

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Corsi di formazione su Veda-TIMES

Corsi di formazione su Veda-TIMES

[Contenuto in inglese] Since 2007, we have conducted training courses regularly on the energy system optimization model VEDA-TIMES.  The training courses on VEDA-TIMES are tailored according to the actual needs. They span from two-day long to three-week long courses. ...

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Scenari di decarbonizzazione per l’Italia

Scenari di decarbonizzazione per l’Italia

[Contenuto in inglese] We produced a report analyzing a scenario of the evolution of the Italian energy system 2019-2050. The scenario was developed in alignment with Proxigas’ vision of expected transformations and investments as the national and European energy and...

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Partecipazione al progetto di ricerca DIAMOND

Partecipazione al progetto di ricerca DIAMOND

[Contenuto in inglese] E4SMA is partnering in the DIAMOND Project. The project is an ambitious EU project. The objective is to contribute to developing the next generation of integrated assessment models (IAMs). Six models will be upgraded to have fully open access....

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Supporto alla pianificazione energetica del Vietnam

Supporto alla pianificazione energetica del Vietnam

[Contenuto in inglese] The aim of the Energy Outlook Report 2023 is supporting the Vietnamese authorities in planning for the most cost-efficient and affordable pathways to reach net-zero emissions in 2050. To this end, we are implementing fundamental and...

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Rapporto Italia per il progetto RePowerEU

Rapporto Italia per il progetto RePowerEU

[Contenuto in inglese] E4SMA contributed to the production of the Country Report Italy for the REPowerEU Project.  The Country Report Italy lists reforms and investments recommended by the relevant Italian Ministries in the context of the REPowerEU initiative. The aim...

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Analisi per la decarbonizzazione dei trasporti in Vietnam

Analisi per la decarbonizzazione dei trasporti in Vietnam

[Contenuto in inglese] Decarbonizing the Vietnamese transport sector is crucial to reaching the climate target of net zero emissions by 2050. To this end, we are providing technical support and advice to the Ministry of Transport (MOT).    In a final report, we will...

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Pianificazione energetica in Peru

Pianificazione energetica in Peru

[Contenuto in inglese] We conducted a workshop for experts from the General Directorate of Energy Efficiency in Peru. The aim was to support long-term energy planning in Peru, and we focused on the best practices for using the TIMES energy system model. The...

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Corso di formazione sulla modellazione energetica per GIZ

Corso di formazione sulla modellazione energetica per GIZ

[Contenuto in inglese] We held two sessions of workshops on energy modelling for GIZ Headquarters staff. The workshops focused on the use of energy models and how these can support GIZ experts in energy planning. Based on the workshop and our experience, we produced...

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