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Power System Models

Power System Models

E4SMA supports its clients in assessing the flexibility of their power systems. This is a key consideration in planning for high shares of renewables, including maximum solar and wind power use.  To this end, we are operating the following power system models:  ...
Developing the TIMES-Saudi Arabia

Developing the TIMES-Saudi Arabia

A private client has contracted us, and we are developing the TIMES-Saudi Arabia. It’s a customized TIMES energy systems model. The model covers one region and six sectors: Upstream, power generation, transportation, industry, commercial, and residential.  Moreover,...
Challenges to Vietnam’s Energy Transition

Challenges to Vietnam’s Energy Transition

We have delivered an assessment to identify challenges to Vietnam’s energy transition to net-zero emissions. The title is Diagnostic Study on Net-Zero for The Energy Sector in Vietnam. We looked at technical, social, and policy challenges and developed a...
Global models

Global models

E4SMA has developed a global, multi-regional energy systems model optimized for customization. Also, we are expert users of the ETSAP-TIAM global model. Our basic model fully relies on open-source data and has open access. We have also developed customized versions...
Regional Models

Regional Models

E4SMA has developed or co-developed several regional models. We partnered in the development of the EU-TIMES model, and we developed the Central Asian Caspian region, the TIMES-CAC. This model covers Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.  The EU-TIMES​...
Research projects and supervision

Research projects and supervision

As leading experts on strategic energy planning, energy systems analysis, and energy systems modelling, E4SMA is partnering in major, innovative research projects. We are also active members of expert networks. Additionally, E4SMA regularly provides supervision to...
National models and tools

National models and tools

E4SMA operates cutting-edge modelling tools enabling us to deliver first-rate solutions. We are also designing national, customized energy systems models.   Full energy system models: TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) OSeMOSYS (OpenSource energy MOdelling...
Modelling mitigation policies in Mexico

Modelling mitigation policies in Mexico

E4SMA provides technical support to the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC). We are developing a new customized TIMES-Mexico model, allowing for modelling mitigation policies in Mexico. The model will cover the full energy system, including power,...
Analyses of future electricity markets

Analyses of future electricity markets

E4SMA has supported the strategic planning of the Italian multinational company Enel for several years. We have developed customized energy systems models allowing for analyses of future electricity markets. The models have also enabled Enel to identify pathways to...
BHP Global Energy Model

BHP Global Energy Model

E4SMA is providing technical support to the multinational company BHP. We have designed, built, and handed over a customized energy systems model, the BHP Global Energy Model. The model supports strategic energy planning. It enables BHP to analyze the possible, future...